Individual Therapy
Individual therapy provides clients with the opportunity to talk through their situations or problems in a confidential setting with a trained professional. Individual therapy can equip clients with the tools they may need to cope with their concerns and issues.
Individual therapy is helpful for many situations that may cause stress, anger, grief or conflict. Through a collaborative process, the client and therapists may explore expressions of thoughts and emotions, patterns of behaviour, conflict resolution approaches, individual strengths and weaknesses and many other aspects of the client’s life.
Hosa Counselling offers culturally sensitive, trauma-informed individual therapy and employs various evidence-based therapeutic modalities. The therapist at Hosa Counselling considers the client’s attachement styles, childhood and adolescent experiences, and an indepth look at other psycho-social dynamics present in the client’s life.
Couples Therapy
Hosa counselling is a confidential and culturally responsive place for people involved in a romantic relationship to gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction through couples therapy.
Couples who join couples therapy benefit from the expertise of qualified couples therapists to address their relationship issues, including but not limited to communication, conflict resolution, emotional needs, intimacy issues, significant life changes and many others.
Although therapeutic approaches depend on the nature of the issue and clients, all couple therapy processes involve a focus on a specific problem, treatment of the relationship rather than individuals, change-oriented interventions following the establishment of clear treatment objectives.

Family Therapy
Family counselling strives to foster communication and collaboration among family members to overcome difficulties that affect one or more family members. Families can also benefit from therapy when faced with stressful situations that may strain family connections, such as financial hardship, divorce, or the death of a loved one. Therapy can also effectively address mental health concerns that impact the family, such as depression, chronic illnesses, substance abuse or everyday communication issues and interpersonal conflict.
Hosa counselling offers a culturally sensitive therapeutic approach in which the client’s cultural values, beliefs and attitudes are considered. As such, the therapist demonstrates awareness of the significance of both theirs and the client’s cultures, has specific knowledge of the client’s culture and uses culturally appropriate clinical skills in working with clients.