Our Services


Hosa Research offers research and assessment services to inform effective strategies and better decision-making based on scientific evidence. The analytical products of Hosa Research measure the output, outcome and impact of programs and provide clients with actionable recommendations for impactful intervention. Hosa Research team specializes in social science research ranging from mental health research, immigration and refugees’ issues, multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion, women and gender equality, gender-based violence, gender bases analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and statistical data analysis.


Hosa Research offers training and development services to clients in a wide range of areas including but not limited to inclusion and diversity, anti-oppression and anti-racism, gender equality at work, mental health and trauma-informed service provision, self-care and workplace burnout, monitoring and evaluation, data management and communication, capacity building in gender-based violence and risk mitigation.

Hosa Research tailors training modules to client-specific situations and requirements. A combination of different pieces of training methods is usually used to ensure adequate retention of information. Some of our training approaches are:

• Instructor-led

• Interactive 

• Experiential or Hands-On

• Computer-based

• Online or E-learning

• Blended Approach



Hosa Research offers comprehensive and culturally responsive small to large-scale workshops. Workshops are specifically curated to the needs of clients. Some of the common subjects are:

Mental Health and Wellbeing

• Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism

• Gender-Based Violence and Risk Analysis

• Monitoring and Evaluation

• Result Based Management

• Research Methodologies and Statistical Analysis